Tuesday, August 22, 2006

First and last names are not good primary keys. There's a lot of folks running around out there who share both of 'em, eh? Adding in the middle name is an okay attempt at making a primary key, but it is also a bit risky, especially when you're dealing with a student population that has a large Indian population (in which case middle names - and for that matter, familial names - are not a given).

So since you have two different 9-digit numbers that are guaranteed to be unique - viz. SSN and student ID - why not check those before calling to tell a student that they haven't paid the loan they don't have, and so their registration may or may not be "on hold"?

Friday, August 11, 2006

The grandparents like my blue hair, haha. I got this from my grandfather the day after he heard:
As you know, your ancestors came from England, which means many of them were Celts. And the Celts dyed their hair and bodies blue before going into battle. They also went into battle naked having decided that armor was for wimps. So congratulations and thanks for renewing this long but forgotten tradition in our family. The blue hair is sufficient tradition resurrecting for now. Do not tell your Mother I am suggesting you sally forth naked.