Thursday, September 30, 2004

According to Comedy Central, Jon Stewart, and the University of Pennsylvania, The Daily Show's viewers are mostly _______________ and ____________ compared with those who watch only news channels (CNN, Faux News, etc). It's not Stoned and Slackers as O'Reilly suggested - it's better-educated and more aware of current events. Check out the video, "Stoned Slackers Unite!" on the Daily Show website. Other highlights include (clip first, then cut to Jon's reaction):

Clip one from "The O'Reilly Factor":
O'Reilly [paraphrased]: The president is very courageous to do this interview.
The Daily Show Response:
Jon Stewart: Yes, very courageous to go on the most conservative network in the country.

Clip 2:
O'Reilly: The president didn't get the questions ahead of time, and didn't put any restrictions on what I could ask. He didn't have to do that.
Jon: He didn't have to do that?! That's the least you can do and call it an interview - otherwise, it's scripted!

The other funny part was when Jon questioned Steven Colbert's journalistic integrity, and SC replied, "That's what the bloggers are for, Jon".

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

ZipDecode is the neatest thing I've seen all week. Try it with zoom enabled (press 'z' before typing in your zip code).

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Look here. Third house down, out the window. Lol.