Saturday, May 27, 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

"That actually happened to one of my patients ... the kid swallowed his hearing aid. Yeah. That's not the weird part, though - his parents just waited for it to pass through naturally, then sent it to me in a ziplock bag. Obviously, that kind of thing is beyond the scope of my repair abilities, so I left it in the bag and sent it to Oticon with a note explaining the situation. I think they just sent us a new one, though; I guess it's beyond the scope of their repair abilities as well." -- Best Audiologist Ever

Saturday, May 20, 2006

US News has an article on hearing aids in this issue. That's a good thing. It's filled with inaccuracies, incomplete and misleading information, and furthers the stereotype of hearing aids as being "for old people". That's not such a good thing.