Sunday, April 15, 2007

What sort of screwed up subway system closes down at 12:30? Gah. Asinine. Short-sighted. Failing to fulfill a major market.

So I was trying to take a cab home from the bar I was at at 12:15. I'm way too short to be seen by a moving cab, but the manager called the cab company, who said they'd send one (this was after I'd given up waiting for an accessible one, and decided to leave my scooter there and pick it up in the morning). Never came. I did some research a while back into how cab companies work; apparently, they like to call their drivers 'contractors' for various (primarily benefits-related) reasons, so all they can do is put out a request; they can't actually send you a cab. (There are a few exceptions.) So, being as it was closing time (what sort of screwed up city has bars that close at 1?), all the cabs were able to find plenty of business without going out of their way to pick up the guy who called dispatch. And I'm way too slow, walking, to beat the other people who also want to hail a cab. I finally made it home at 2:15 - about two hours after I decided to leave, and the bar was only a 20 minute drive from home.

There needs to be some incentive for cab drivers to prioritize called-in requests. Too bad you can't offer a large tip through dispatch. So now it's time to curl up in bed with a big bottle of Motrin, and figure out how the hell I'm going to get transportation out there in the morning to retrieve my scooter.


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